Globalists Wage War on Fossil Fuels, Meat, and America

Globalists’ war on meat is rivaled only by their war on fossil fuels. Both of these crusades have been framed as being “green,” meaning it’s what’s best for the health of the planet and its human population. Yet, the globalists’ true intentions are bubbling to the surface and include controlling the global population by controlling the food supply chain, forced economic “equality” for all sovereign nations, and regional collaborations such as the European Union.

As the World Economic Forum (WEF) declared, “In short, we need a “Great Reset of capitalism.” Since meat and fossil fuels are both central pillars in the foundations of human advancement and prosperity, it stands to reason they are leveraged as mechanisms of manipulation in this dark agenda against free market economics, individual liberties, and consumer freedom of choice.

Barely a day passes without the complicit mainstream media featuring some form of attack on animal agriculture or eating meat. The assaults on animal protein range from reports citing sloppily conducted anti-meat studies and data created by allegedly prestigious institutions, to pieces about meetings by unelected global “leaders” who plot to significantly alter – not for the better –- life as we know it in their attempts to “save’’ the planet by applying questionable “science.”

For perspective, we live on a planet where a single volcanic eruption can result in 10 million tons of CO2 being added the atmosphere in a mere nine hours, as was the case with Mount St. Helens in 1980. Yet, we live in a society that publicly vilifies consumption of animal products more than use of illicit substances.

Three globalist organizations lead the cabal focused on an anti-meat, anti-livestock and, ultimately, anti-people agenda. Although autonomous, the WEF, United Nations (UN), and World Health Organization (WHO) have very similar, aligned goals. All three echo the anti-meat rhetoric and call for the drastic reduction, or elimination, of traditional animal agriculture based on the patently false and repeatedly debunked claim that agriculture, especially meat production, generates excessive green-house gases. Their anti-meat talking points are primarily directed toward developed nations such as the United States.

In late 2023 and early 2024, the UN and WEF held annual meetings and, predictably, both gatherings were focused on their anti-fossil fuel and anti-meat ideology.

COP28 Includes Announcement of New Recommended Food Policy for U.S.

In December 2023, reportedly as many as 85,000 people descended upon Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), for the UN Climate Change Conference, also known as COP28. Unsurprisingly, the primary takeaway message from the conference was that the use of fossil fuels must be eliminated for the sake of planetary health. Ironically and hypocritically, many conference attendees flew to Dubai on private jets and dined on the finest meat products, powerfully demonstrating their elitist, arrogant, and hypocritical “rules for thee, but not for me” attitude.

At its conclusion, COP28 was triumphantly summarized by its attendees as being the beginning of the end of fossil fuel use.

However, during the conference, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, head of the UAE state oil and renewable energy companies, and the COP’s host, stated:

“You are asking for a phase-out of fossil fuels, please help me, show me, the roadmap for a phase out of fossil fuels that will allow … for sustainable socio-economic development…Unless you want to take the world back into caves.”

Ironically, shortly after COP28’s conclusion, much of the U.S. suffered extreme winter weather and frigid temperatures that caused “green” energy infrastructure to fail. Wind turbines stopped turning in Montana and other northern tier states where temperatures plummeted to 30 degrees below zero and colder. In numerous locations across the northern part of the country, the frigid temperatures drained electric car batteries, which then took twice as long to charge, if they would charge at all. The automobile club logged many thousands of calls for towing incapacitated electric vehicles (EVs).

During COP28, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) singled out the U.S. and announced it would soon be releasing a policy recommendation calling on Americans to reduce their consumption of meat. This discriminatory accusal of the U.S. in the absence of calls to reduce meat consumption in other developed nations illustrates the FAO’s contempt for America’s prosperity. The agency also ignores facts and science proving U.S. farmers and ranchers have an excellent and enviable track record for continuously reducing resources required for producing animal protein products, constantly improving yield while mitigating environmental impact.

WEF Speakers Predictably Demonize Agriculture

The 54th Annual Meeting of the WEF convened in Davos, Switzerland, in mid-January with the ironic theme “Rebuilding Trust,” even as the group plots to eliminate safe, nutritious, affordable, accessible, abundant sources of complex proteins.

In an open forum event, Harvard professor Naomi Oreskes said:

“Animal agriculture is a major driver of climate change. One thing people can do to help is to eat less meat. The agriculture industry is spreading disinformation…they’re spreading disinformation about the public health benefits of a plant-based diet…an organized attempt to confuse people.”

Another WEF speaker, Siemens AG Chairman Jim Hagemann, emphasized the desired scope of the anti-meat mission: “If a billion people stop eating meat, I tell you, it has a big impact. Not only does it have a big impact on the current food system, but it will also inspire innovation of food systems.”

One speaker at Davos went so far as to claim that “damage to nature” from agriculture is “ecocide” and should be legally considered a crime comparable to genocide. Apparently, millions or billions of starving people caused by the type of changes these speakers advocate do not qualify as “genocide.” It makes one wonder if these speakers actually listen to what comes out of their own mouths. Clearly, they never took a course in “logic.”

Despite such misleading, inaccurate and factually bankrupt rhetoric, it is encouraging that so-called “elites” are feeling the pushback from those who value truth, food security, food independence and consumer freedom of choice. Like COP28, thousands of corporate jets flew into Davos for WEF 54, carrying attendees who also dined on fine foods from around the world, including the best animal protein products.

Replacing Our Meat With Bugs For The Sake of “Equality”?

At the same time that these groups push to remove or severely curtail animal protein products for human consumption, they simultaneously push for alternatives such as insects.

A report from the FAO states that traditional agriculture will fall 40 percent short of the world’s food needs by 2050. Considering the ongoing, multifaceted, attacks on every aspect of agriculture, this appears to be more a goal than an objective projection.

An article on the WEF website states: “By 2050, the earth will have nearly 10 billion people. The demand for protein will exceed our ability to procure it.” The quote is attributed to Amrou Awaysheh and Christine J. Picard, both professors at Indiana University.

Celebrities have been recruited to promote insects as a meat alternative with the help of the media. In 2018, actress Nicole Kidman was prominently featured in Vanity Fair, eating a variety of insects. She stated: “Two billion people in the world eat bugs, and I’m one of them.” Some estimates have shown that 2,111 species of insects are consumed in approximately 140 nations.

While insects have been consumed in certain cultures for centuries, it’s typically because they have few, or no, meat options. Forcing this culinary delight on developed nations that have existing, successful and sustainable animal protein production systems is absurd.

FAO documents show their alignment with the Great Reset championed by WEF founder Klaus Schwab. Part of their underlying goal is to reduce the power, influence, and leadership position of nations – mainly the U.S. – in the global economy and, further, to diminish the quality of life in developed nations for the sake of “equality.”

The nutritional importance of meat and milk and the societal importance of livestock are recognized by the FAO as being essential in developing countries. Further, developing nations are allowed and encouraged to raise livestock and consume their products.

One FAO report states that one factor “limiting the growth of world meat consumption is the fact that such consumption is heavily and disproportionately concentrated in the industrial countries. They account for 15 percent of the world population, yet consume 37 percent of the world’s meat and 40 percent of the world’s milk.”

The FAO website states: “Agrifood systems have to be on the forefront of just transition and inequalities have to be reduced.” Additionally, “Livestock plays a crucial economic role contributing to the livelihoods of about 1.7 billion poor people and 70 percent of those employed in the sector are women. Livestock are a source of high-quality protein and micronutrients that are essential for normal development and good health.”

In an April 2023 report, the UN stated: “Some consumers may choose veganism, or a pescatarian diet, but meat, eggs and milk offer crucial sources of much-needed nutrients which cannot easily be obtained from plant-based foods.”

Globalist double standards are not solely focused on food. U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are under intense scrutiny, while those of other countries are virtually ignored. The U.S. animal agriculture sector is continually criticized by those who believe methane produced by livestock is a major contributor to climate change. Yet, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data shows methane is a small portion of total GHGs, and agriculture-based methane is an even smaller volume. According to Justin Haskins of The Heartland Institute, total U.S. methane emissions have been in decline for more than 30 years, and from 1990 to 2021, industrial (including agriculture) methane emissions decreased by almost 14 percent. Conversely, China’s methane emissions increased by 75 percent in the same time period and remain substantially higher than U.S. emissions.

All things considered, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber’s statement at COP28 about forcing humanity back into caves takes on an ominously prophetic quality.

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman summed up the globalist agenda:

“So how are they gonna get people to eat bugs? Well, a combination of propaganda, indoctrinating children and making you very, very hungry… The goal, folks, is not to save the planet. It’s not about global warming. It’s not about sustainable development. It’s about enslaving humanity. They want to wipe out small and medium sized producers, centralize food control in the hands of mega-corporations in bed with the mega-governments. They want to move the population into the mega-cities, and ultimately bring about this Great Reset, and what they call the New World Order.”


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