United Nations Plan for Our Future Series

If you could imagine what the world will look like in one hundred years, what do you see? A more moderate climate? A healthier population with longer life expectancy? What would you be willing to sacrifice so future generations can experience the utopian view of a few elites? Are you willing to sacrifice your personal freedoms, property rights, possessions, your favorite foods, vacations, jobs you love, and even your beloved pets?

Specifically stated in Goal 14 of the Rio Accords (United Nations Plan for Sustainable Development), they intend for the signing nations to ensure “people’s participation and promoting human resource development for sustainable agriculture.” They believe, “The greater the degree of community control of the resources on which it relies, the greater will be the incentive for economic and Human Resources development.” This sounds good on it’s face, but we know by the UN’s track record that this actually means the UN is making arguments and encouraging government control over resources. The resources, such as land, water, and energy, are used by agricultural industries and if they control them, then they control the food.

The foundation for this Global Sustainable Development project was laid in the 1970’s, it was set in motion in the 1990’s and we are now seeing the ramping up of efforts and disparaging differences in stakeholder treatment nearly fifty years after its inception.

The Rio Accords started with four small and mostly agreeable goals and then proceeded to systematically expand in practice and in number. The UN’s guide for Sustainable Development now includes 17 different action items, each broad in scope but very tactical in purpose. We are especially concerned with the overt tactics used to end private land ownership, redistribute wealth to an elite few governing bodies, create unequal treatment and financial contribution by share holders, to re-wild 80% of the United States, and perform the ultimate goal of drastically reducing the human population.

The following series provides information about the history and the sustainable development goals.

We will be adding more information in the future so make sure to check back.


United Nations Plan For Our Future – Part 1


United Nations Plan For Our Future – Part 2


United Naitons Plan For Our Future – Part 3


United Nations Plan For Our Future – Part 4