Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture Hosts Ag Speaker

From an article in the McCook Gazette

Agricultural advocacy and industry influence will be among topics discussed in Curtis on Monday (Oct. 25) at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

“We Must Stand United” is the theme for the 6 p.m. free public forum by Trent Loos, a Nebraska ag producer who represents the Protect the Harvest organization.

Loos, who has served on the PTH Advisory Committee since May, will present the group’s views on agriculture, land use, and the rural-versus-urban divide across the country.

“There are solutions that each of us can be a part of on the local level, in our communities,” said Theresa Lucas McMahan, PTH program manager and board of directors-secretary. “It is time to rally our troops in support of our local government, county sheriff, county commissioners, and school board members.”

Loos, who farms in central Nebraska with his family, has hosted his radio program “Loos Tales” for 20 years. The program airs in 19 states, on nearly 100 stations, and is on the internet.

A frequent traveler and public speaker, he has presented programs in 48 states, Japan, Australia, Ireland, and Canada. Loos encourages those in agriculture “to stand up and proudly tell consumers about life on their family farming (and ranching) operations.”

The forum is hosted by the NCTA Diversity Committee to bring discussion and information to the campus community regarding a variety of topics including agricultural issues, said Joanna Hergenreder, NCTA associate professor of animal science.

Hergenreder, a member of the NCTA Diversity Committee and also the coach of the NCTA Ranch Horse Team, said Aggie students in several courses, including Equine Industry Management, will receive class credit for attendance.

NCTA’s Diversity Committee and Student Senate hosted a Protect The Harvest program in February 2017 with a speaker and film entitled, “The Dog Lover.”

Monday’s program will be at the Nebraska Agriculture Industry Education Center auditorium. The Ed Center is located on the east side of the NCTA campus, at Siminoe and University Streets.

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