Reality Bomb From California Farmer Over Supply Chain

How Real is the Supply Chain Crisis You Ask?

By California Farmer, Doug Kaba

See all of that beautiful organic baby spinach out there?

Well, all 100,000+ pounds of it will likely be plowed under in the next few days because the processor who washes and packages it can’t secure the packaging material to put it in to send it to the retailer!

The impacts of this are exponential!

1.)The first loss is obviously to the grower. It is a huge hit to the bottom line since we need to make every pound count due to the skyrocketing costs of production.

2.)The next casualty is the hard-working farmworker who makes a living harvesting and transporting this commodity… if it’s not harvested they don’t work and don’t get paid.

3.) If this commodity never makes it to be packaged, the processor and respective employees suffer because with no throughput there is no revenue. No revenue = no paychecks!

4.) Even though it’s hard to feel a great deal of empathy for the large retailers, if this product never hits the shelves then their revenues also decline and that impacts those earning a living in that sector.

5.) The consumer is denied access to healthy, nutrient-dense food.

The repercussions of a single supply chain glitch have the potential to affect each and every one of us.

No one is impervious to the serious economic turmoil we are facing in this country right now!

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