Spay Study Comment Period Extended



Now more than ever it is important for the BLM, Burns District to hear from you if you are in support of the proposed Warm Springs Spay Study and 10-year Management Plan. The original research project included Colorado State University (CSU). However, in spite of the study being supported by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (representing 9,300 equine veterinarians), CSU decided to withdraw from the program due in large part to pressure exerted by Wild Horse activist groups. As we predicted, extremist groups flooded the BLM with comments in opposition of the study and 10-year management plan, mostly in the form of auto-generated comments. There were over 8,000 identical comments submitted from activists. These groups have a long track record of stopping the BLM from being able to make practical and logical steps to properly manage the horse populations and rangelands.

We are pleased to report that the BLM, Burns District is moving forward, has revised the study and has extended the comment period.


The Bureau of Land Management – Burns District, in conjunction the United States Geological Survey have updated the proposed research project regarding the feasibility of the spay procedure (standing surgical spay – ovariectomy via culpotomy) with horses from the Warm Springs HMA in Oregon. This is the same spay procedure that was performed on the fillies in our Wild Spayed Filly Futurity program.


Statement from the BLM regarding the updated study:

“…The BLM must continue to pursue management actions to move toward achieving and maintaining the established appropriate management level (AML) on Warm Springs HMA and reduce the wild horse population growth rate in order to restore and maintain a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship on public lands. USGS has updated their proposal to include only the behavioral research portion of the original proposal. Their study would take place on mares spayed by BLM as a management action.”


American rangelands are multi-use. Lack of proper management of the wild horse population impacts the entire ecosystem, including native wildlife species. Action is needed now to help the study progress.
The study will evaluate the following:
• Safety
• Complication rate
• Feasibility on wild mares
• Impacts to the mare
• Impacts on band behavior
In conjunction with the study, the Burns District – BLM proposes a 10-year population management plan for the Warm Springs HMA. The population management plan is being proposed to achieve and maintain a thriving natural ecological balance and manage the wild horse and burro populations within appropriate management levels over a 10-year lifetime.
This plan includes:
• The spay study
• Gather to reach low AML at the completion of the spay study
• Additional gathers to remove excess wild horses and burros
• Population growth treatments for mares released back into the Warm Springs HMA


The BLM is asking for more original comments as well as additions to comments already submitted. If you have already commented and have nothing further to add, your previous comments will still be weighted during this extended comment period.

This is an excellent opportunity for those that support the spay procedure as a viable form of population control to help manage the herds on American rangelands.


The new deadline is September 2nd.
Please take the time to let your voice be heard. America’s horses, wildlife and ecosystem need our support.



Letters can be sent to: Spay Project Lead – Burns District Office, 28910 Highway 20 West, Hines, Oregon 97738


Link to information about the Warm Springs HMA:

Specific information about notifications, privacy, anonymous responses and other details can be found here in the BLM notification.

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