“SUSTAINS Act” Gives Extremists Control of Land

The SUSTAINS Act, fully titled “Sponsoring USDA Sustainability Targets in Agriculture to Incentivize Natural Solutions Act of 2021,” is an effort to enact a globalist land control agenda. Under the deceptive veil of saving the planet from “climate change,” the real underlying goal of this regulation is to place the control of private lands into the hands of the U.S. government, which would then control food production, availability and consumption. The USDA is accepting public comments on the SUSTAINS Act until September 16, 2024.

The Act was introduced in the House as HR 2606 in April 2021, and later passed as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. The Act amends the Food Security Act of 1985 to enable public-private partnerships (PPPs) with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), a USDA agency. These agencies are filled with agenda-driven, unelected bureaucrats, and therefore they are largely unaccountable, often misguided, and usually irresponsible.

PPPs have been referred to as the “financial engine of the green agenda.” These partnerships have been behind the majority of so-called green energy infrastructure spreading like cancer across American landscapes. As more is publicly disclosed about the PPPs, they increasingly resemble elaborate money-laundering schemes that do not contribute to American agricultural production, nor prosperity for farmers and ranchers.

The SUSTAINS Act allows financial contributions to the federal agency to “support a broader range of conservation programs,” and specifically “expands the authority to include other conservation programs, including those that address climate change, carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat improvement, and protection of drinking water sources.” Essentially, anyone, including foreign entities and animal and environmental extremist groups can provide money to the NRCS to advance “conservation,’ hence control.

Additionally, the Act allows contributors to designate funds for a specific program or geographic area, which gives extremist groups the flexibility to launch extremely targeted activities that are not in the best interest of American agriculture, land ownership and use, or American taxpayers. Further, the Act allows the NRCS to match contributions, so those activities would be partially funded by taxpayers.

To illustrate the disingenuous way this “Act” is being handled, it completely bypasses Congressional authority by giving agency heads sole discretion over decisions. Basically, the U.S. House of Representatives, which is supposed to maintain oversight of federal government spending will have no say regarding SUSTAIN Act financial activities.

American Stewards of Liberty see SUSTAINS as a way “to transfer America’s real assets from private citizens to federal and international interests.” Even amidst the multitude of land-grab schemes being pursued around the globe, SUSTAINS stands out as being an example of an extreme threat to our food security and most basic freedoms, including land ownership and use rights. It is vital that we make our voices heard by September 16.

Unlike globalists, many unelected government bureaucrats and environmental crusaders, Protect The Harvest promotes and defends A Free and Fed America™, and strongly believes the upcoming, November 5, national election is more important than ever.


H.R. 2606 HERE

More information on PPPs HERE

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