They Will Never Stop – The Vegan Extremist Mindset


Now more than ever, our way of life and American culture is being threatened by extremist groups. In order to fight back and protect our way of life, the first step is to understand the mindset and viewpoint of this movement. We will start with some definitions:

Definitions of Ideology:

A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
Visionary speculation, especially of an unrealistic or idealistic nature.
A theory or set of beliefs, especially one on which a political system, party, or organization is based.

Definitions of Ideologue:

A person who believes very strongly in particular principles and tries to follow them carefully.
An adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic.
An often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology.
An impractical idealist : THEORIST.
Someone who very strongly supports and is guided by the ideology of a particular group.

Definition of Animal Rights Extremism:

Animal Rights Extremism is the belief that animals have the exact same rights as human beings and that there is no distinction between the two. They discount the fact that animals to do not have sapience, which allows humans to create concepts such as guilt or innocence and right and wrong. The ideology of animal extremism views animal ownership of any kind as exploitation, akin to slavery and therefore abuse.

Definition of Animal Welfare:

Animal welfare has nothing to do with animal rights extremism. Animal welfare includes all animals, whether used for food, as pets, or sport. Animal welfare is based on the principle of animal ownership and reflects commonsense approach that animals should be treated well, and animal cruelty is wrong. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) views animal welfare as a “…human responsibility that encompasses all aspects of animal well-being, including proper housing, management, nutrition, disease prevention and treatment, responsible care, humane handling, and, when necessary, humane euthanasia.” There should be no unnecessary suffering, including animals that provide for human needs.

Definition of Speciesism:

This is a word used by animal extremists to describe their belief that there is no distinction between animals and humans. They believe people who view animals as different than humans are practicing speciesism.

Understand The Mindset of the Animal Extremist

Imagine being a part of a community that constantly tells you animals are “murdered,” “exploited,” and “treated cruelly.” As a part of this manipulation, your daily consumption of online content consists of fake abuse photos and videos depicting animal abuse scenes. Since you have no practical experience with animal agriculture or animals in general, you believe every image and video clip you see is real.
Imagine living your life with the belief that millions of animals are treated inhumanely every day (even though this is untrue).
Imagine living your life with the belief that animals are exactly the same as humans and that animals interpret the world in the same way as humans (which they do not).
This is the basic mindset and experience of the vegan animal extremist, and these false beliefs are the drivers behind animal extremism ideology. These beliefs are exactly why they will never stop pushing their ideology and agenda. To extremists, every day is an existential emergency.

Other Factors – Mental Health

In addition to the mental anguish the beliefs listed above can cause, scientific studies have revealed other issues with animal extremist veganism: a higher percentage of people with mental disorders. A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity by Johannes Michalak, Xiao Chi Zhang, and Frank Jacobi titled, “Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey” found the following result:
“Vegetarians displayed elevated prevalence rates for depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and somatoform disorders. Due to the matching procedure, the findings cannot be explained by socio-demographic characteristics of vegetarians (e.g. higher rates of females, predominant residency in urban areas, high proportion of singles).”

A 2012 article in Psychology Today titled, “You’re a Vegetarian, Have You You’re Your Mind?” further analyzed the “Vegetarian and Mental Disorders” study listed above. “Compared to the general population, the vegetarians were more likely to have mental disorders, and compared to the sex and education and population and age matched controls, the risk of mental disorders in vegetarians really shot up, with odds ratios hovering around 2-fold increased risk, some as high as 3 fold.”
A May 2020, article reviewed another study published in “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,” by Urska Boersek, an assistant professor at the University of Southern Indiana. In the study the author states, “Therefore given the dramatic surge in veganism and mental illness over the past two decades, a rigorous systematic review was a necessary first step in examining the relations between meat and mental health” and “…My co-authors and I were truly surprised at how consistent the relation between meat-avoidance and the increased prevalence of mental illness was across populations.”

Researchers also stated that:
“Correlation does not imply a causal relation and we present several explanations for our results. For example, individuals struggling with mental illness may alter their diets as a form of self-treatment; vegan and strict vegetarian diets may lead to nutrient deficiencies that increase the risk of mental illness; many individuals with eating disorders use veganism and vegetarianism as a ‘cover” to hide their illness; and individuals who are extremely sensitive to or focused on the suffering of animals may become both vegetarian and depressed/anxious as a result.”

According to the PsyPost.or article the researchers found “…’clear evidence’ that those who abstained from consuming meat tended to have higher rates or risk of depression, anxiety, and self-harm compared to those who did not.”
Based on the findings of these studies, it is not a stretch to consider that the higher prevalence of mental disorders combined with ideological beliefs would contribute to a heightened anxious mindset driving radical behavior to implement their agenda.

There is No “Live and Let Live” in the Vegan Animal Extremist World

A frequent comment on our social outlets is the question, “I don’t tell people what they can eat, why can’t vegans just eat plants and leave us alone?” Once the animal extremist vegan mindset is understood, it is easy to see that there is no “live and let live” option for these people. Their world is one of perceived torture and abuse. Therefore, in their minds there is no compromise, just a timeline in which they will reach their ideology-driven goals. To them animal agriculture and animal ownership must stop. Unfortunately for some of these extremists, this means they will do whatever it takes to meet that goal.

In the World of Vegans and Animal Extremists Compromise is a Highly Contested Tactic to Reach Their Ultimate Goal

Some may not know that animal extremist groups often band together and also fight viciously amongst themselves. Some groups like the HSUS and ASPCA look to manipulate lawmakers and interest groups by incrementalism and compromise. Their tactic is to use the approach of “death by 1,000 cuts.” There are other, more radical groups like PETA for example, that do not believe in compromise because they simply want animal ownership and animal agriculture to end immediately. They do not seek a middle ground and publicly condemn their compatriot organizations that do compromise, even if for a short period of time.

The “Compromise” When It Happens Is Not to Be Trusted

In the years we have been tracking animal extremist-based legislation and other projects we have witnessed what animal owners and agricultural producers have mistakenly believed is a “compromise.” What often is the result is a short-term compromise or a promise of backing off of attacks and harassment by extremist groups which is then ignored. We have also seen compromise in lawmaking which is then nullified by new demands and new legislation. An example of this is Prop 2 in California where a compromise was made with animal extremist groups like the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Within a few years and before Prop 2 in California was even fully implemented, these groups came out with Prop 12 with newer, more costly regulations on animal agriculture producers in California. Furthermore, it also applied to out of state producers wishing to sell their products in California. It is important to note that these regulations do not improve animal welfare and only serve the goal of regulating animal agriculture out of business.

You Will Not Change Their Mind

Some people mistakenly believe that all that is needed is to educate vegans and have them visit a farm and then they will be able to see for themselves that animals are not abused or exploited. After understanding their world-view, it should now be clear to the reader that they won’t be reached with scientific facts or logic. Due to misinformation, anthropomorphism (the application of human attributes to animals and inanimate objects), a constant bombardment of fake videos and imagery, and the likelihood of a mental health issue, they are unable to see animal husbandry practices on farms as positive for animal welfare. They have been fully indoctrinated so much so that they attack people who are leaving the vegan lifestyle for health reasons. Those that leave the lifestyle discuss amongst each other the fact that they have been brainwashed and indoctrinated. This does not mean we should not address misinformation or answer back, it simply means that they will not listen and will keep charging ahead implementing their ideology.
We address some of this in our article about veganism breaking into mainstream religions and an upcoming article about the cult of veganism. If you are interested in learning more about anthropomorphism, we have an article on our website that addresses this phenomenon as well.

Educate the Public – Do Not Let Your Friends and Family Be “Useful Idiots”

While it is clear we will not be able to change the mindset of vegan animal extremists we can take valuable steps to educate the public. The vegan animal extremist community is a very small community and they need “useful idiots” to manipulate to implement their agenda. The best way to combat this is to work just as hard to provide the public with facts and information as extremist groups do. In this day and age, silence is considered acceptance. We MUST answer back. We need to do so with the mindset that animal extremist groups have an audience they are constantly trying to recruit. Those people, as well as uninformed voters are the folks we need to reach.

Yes, They Are Crazy and Yet They Are Succeeding in Pushing Their Agenda

All too often we hear, “These people are crazy; this will never happen.” However, it is happening and recent events in agriculture and animal ownership should prove to skeptics that these groups are gaining ground. Learn about Colorado IP 16 and Oregon BI 13 where basic animal husbandry and veterinary practices could become a crime. The regulations proposed in these ballot initiatives would devastate animal agriculture in those states essentially banning the production of beef, chicken, pork, eggs, milk, hunting, fishing, and other animal products. Learn about the planned animal exhibition ban in Southern California and the hundreds of pet store bans across the country. These are just a few examples of a long list of legislative efforts put forth by animal extremists.

Lawmakers and Representatives Are Valuable “Useful Idiots” to Animal Extremist Groups

We have written numerous articles about the political influence these “not for profit” organizations wield with lawmakers. They do this via “feel good – cookie-cutter” legislation that they spoon feed them, campaign donations, and a lot of free PR. Before you vote make sure the representatives you select are not influenced by these groups.

Speak Up and Get Involved

Get involved in what is going on in your community and be sure to speak up when there is an issue you are concerned about. We have information on our website which can walk you through how to take action to protect your way of life. You will find it under our “Get Involved” tab.

Never Stop

Even though there are people who leave veganism and animal extremism to recover, currently there are not enough and unfortunately, their voices are muted. This is because they are often targeted and berated publicly and online. Keep in mind too that animal extremist groups are constantly vying for new recruits via outreach in public schools and universities. Now that the vegan animal extremist mindset has been explained, it is clear that these groups will not stop. This is why we must not stop educating the public and exposing the true ideology and agenda of these groups.

Support Organizations Who Are Protecting Your Way of Life

We must be just as relentless as the groups that are working to control how we live. We need to band together to do it. As a population, we are a much larger group and there is no reason we cannot protect our American way of life. The only way these groups win is if we do nothing, and unfortunately, due to complacency, they are making strides.

Help us stop them in their tracks.


Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey click HERE

Psychology Today Article “You’re Vegetarian Have You Lost Your Mind?” click HERE

PysPost ARticle “Meat Eaters Tend to Have Better Psychological Health Than Vegetarians click HERE

What You Need To Know – Anthropomorphism is the Greatest Threat to Animal Welfare click HERE

What You Need To Know – Animal Rights Extremism vs. Animal Welfare There Is A Difference click HERE

What You Need To Know – Animal Extremism and Veganism Invading Religious Institutions click HERE

Get Involved – Protecting Our Lifestyle and Livelihood – What You Can Do click HERE

To Donate to Support Protect The Harvest click HERE

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