Animal Extremist Group Crusades for Denver 2024 Ballot Measure Targeting Sheep Processing

By Jaclyn De Candio for Protect The Harvest Sufficient petition signatures were recently gathered by animal rights extremist group Pro-Animal Future, then submitted to the Denver Clerk and Recorder. The signatures support a “citizen-led” initiative to ban a longtime Denver sheep processing facility via a 2024 ballot initiative. This effort marks yet another concerning example […]

States Act against Massachusetts Question 3 to Protect A Free and Fed America™

In a recently filed amicus brief in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, a 13-state coalition that includes Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming, unequivocally lend their support to plaintiffs challenging the constitutionality of Massachusetts’s Question 3, known as […]

Environmental Extremists Head Bureau of Land Management with Mission to Severely Limit Access to Public Lands

In April 2023, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published a proposed rule change in the Federal Register with the deliberately deceiving title, “Strengthening the Stewardship of America’s Public Lands.” If implemented, this rule would undermine the intended multiple use mandate for lands managed by the BLM, significantly limiting recreational opportunities and severely curtailing the […]

Friend of the Land – October 2023

FRIEND OF THE LAND – OCTOBER 2023 We would like to congratulate Venessa Wood for being named our Protect The Harvest Friend of the Land for October 2023. Venessa Wood is the CEO and founder of Ag Women Connect, a group that empowers, supports, connects, and promotes the growth of women in agriculture across the […]

Sonoma County Jury Convicts Animal Rights Leader In Farm Trespass Case

By Michelle C. Pardo, Duane Morris Law Wayne Hsiung, the co-founder of Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), a Berkeley, California based animal activist group, was found guilty of two counts of misdemeanor trespass and one count of felony conspiracy to trespass on November 2, following a two month jury trial. The jury could not reach a […]

Animal Recovery Mission

Animal Recovery Mission Militarized Animal Extremist Wannabes Stand By and Film Animal Abuse to Benefit Their Own Agenda Protect The Harvest works to educate and inform the public about the activities of animal extremists and other non-governmental organizations. Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) is a radical animal extremist organization that farmers, ranchers and animal owners need […]

Animal Legal Defense Fund

ANIMAL LEGAL DEFENSE FUND The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) was founded in 1979. It is a legal organization that follows the animal extremist ideology and until recently solely focused on animals. Like other animal extremist organizations, they too have branched out to focus on environmental activism as well. ALDF files high profile lawsuits and […]

American Wild Horse Campaign

AMERICAN WILD HORSE CAMPAIGN Behind the façade of beautiful images of horses on American rangelands lies a group of animal extremist ideologues. The group, the American Wild Horse Campaign, is determined to undermine every step the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other organizations take to help solve the animal welfare crisis occurring in the […]