Animal Rights And Climate Change Extremists Collude To Promote Globalist Plant Based Treaty Restricting Food Options And Consumer Freedom Of Choice

By Jaclyn De Candio for Protect The Harvest The call to negotiate a global “Plant Based Treaty” is putting animal agriculture in the crosshairs of environmental and animal extremist NGOs. This radical document, a sister initiative to the Climate Save Movement, calls for individuals, organizations, businesses, and cities to endorse three demands with the goal […]

Friend of the Land – December 2023

In Memory and Honor: Tammy Pate Recognized as December Friend of the Land It is with heavy hearts and profound sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Tammy Pate, the visionary founder of Art of the Cowgirl. Tammy’s courageous battle with cancer sadly ended on December 21, 2023, leaving behind a void that can never […]

Animal Rights Challenge to Iowa “Ag Gag Law” Fails in Eighth Circuit

By John M. Simpson, Duane Morris Law On January 8, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit rejected a constitutional challenge brought by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and other groups to an Iowa statute that prohibits “agricultural facility fraud.” Animal Legal Defense Fund […]

Italy Pioneers Ban on Lab-Grown Meat

Italy recently made history by becoming the first European Union nation to officially ban the production and sale of lab-grown or cultivated meat, sparking a global debate about the intersection of tradition, innovation and the future of food. The legislation, enacted in November 2023, restricts the cultivation of meat in laboratory bioreactors and places limitations […]

C40 Cities: What is this organization and why should you be terrified of its “Green” Globalist Agenda

C40 Cities is a coalition of billionaires, non-government organizations (NGOs), foundations, banks, governments, and businesses collaborating on: • Raising Climate Ambition; • Influencing the Global Agenda; • Building a Movement and; • Scaling Up Climate Action. Approximately 100 cities around the world have climbed aboard the C40 Cities bandwagon, including numerous U.S. cities led mostly […]

Secret Biden Administration Deals are Being Made to Remove Large Dams in the Pacific Northwest to Increase Salmon Numbers

For more than half-a-century, four Lower Snake River dams in southeastern Washington State have been a source of renewable hydroelectric power and, more recently, controversy and litigation. Environmental extremist groups and some Native American tribal entities claim the dams’ effect on wild salmon migration merits the removal or breaching of the dams for the purposes […]

Nonhuman Rights Project Loses Another Habeas Case for Elephants

From Duane Morris Law As we have reported previously (here, here, here, here), an animal rights group called the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) has a history of filing fruitless cases to establish that animals should have the same basic rights as people. NhRP has used the common law and statutory writ of habeas corpus in […]

Friend of the Land – November 2023

FRIEND OF THE LAND – NOVEMBER 2023 We congratulate Craig Curry for being named our Protect The Harvest Friend of the Land for November 2023. For the past decade, Craig Curry has dedicated his time and expertise as a consultant and volunteer, offering invaluable support to various organizations, including Protect The Harvest. His commitment revolves […]

UPDATE: DxE Co-founder Wayne Hsiung Sentenced to Jail in Blow to Animal Rights Extremists

By Jaclyn De Candio for Protect The Harvest On November 30, 2023, the ringleader and co-founder of the animal rights extremist group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), Wayne Hsiung, was sentenced to 90 days in jail and two years of probation by Sonoma County California Superior Court Judge Laura Passaglia. The sentencing follows Hsiung’s arrest for […]

Animals Would Be Attorney Clients in Proposed Florida Bills

In recent years, the animal rights and advocacy space has seen significant developments, including a growing movement to provide animals with legal representation in court. While many animal rights extremists argue that advocates should represent animals in legal matters concerning their well-being, the negative consequences of such folly could be far-reaching for property rights, animal […]