Globalist Agenda on Full Display at 2024 Paris Summer Olympics

Throughout the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics countless stories of triumphs and defeats emerged and were communicated by media outlets from around the globe. However, while the public has been largely captivated by the athletes’ life stories and their wins and losses throughout the games, a number of controversies arose. While some have been widely publicized, others were less reported.

One such easily overlooked controversy was the food provided for athletes in the Olympic Village’s dining hall. As it turns out, a globalist food agenda played out in the dining hall, an ominous reminder of darker efforts by those who wish to spread their ideology and control what people eat. Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet stated about the Olympic Village food: “More plant-based, more local, more sustainable and just as delicious…Our ambition is to harness the creativity of French cuisine to drive the food transition.”

Olympics Planning Influenced by Globalist Agenda

Given the 2015 Paris Agreement was adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, it makes sense that the Paris Olympics would be the perfect venue for social change. The Agreement has been defined as a “legally binding international treaty on climate change,” seeking to limit global warming by drastically reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. One of the movement’s main targets is agriculture, especially animal agriculture, with the goal being to push the global population to consume a mostly plant-based diet. To further this agenda, the fallacy that agriculture is a disproportionately large contributor to total GHG has been widely propagandized by NGOs, complicit news media, governments, corporations, and wealthy elitists.

The Paris Olympics website features a Legacy and Sustainability page, linked to a 131-page document, in which organizers boldly outlined their intended steps to reduce the Olympic Games’ carbon footprint by 50 percent compared to previous games. In the plan, the event’s alignment with the intertwined environmental extremist and globalist agendas is openly stated, with ad nauseum repetition of words including “responsibility” and “sustainability,” as ways to “create momentum for a new social project.” Those familiar with the pet phrases of the globalist movement will immediately recognize their trigger words and phrases that translate directly to increased control and reduced consumer freedom of choice for the “common good,” under the guise of saving the world from climate change.

“Sustainable Catering” Failed to Fill Nutritional Needs

The most elite athletes in the world arrived at the Olympic Village dining hall to discover they were to be served “sustainable catering” that would not meet their nutritional requirements. In their zeal to march in lockstep with extremist agendas, Paris Olympic organizers chose to ignore the basic biological fact that proteins are necessary for humans to properly function, especially elite athletes needing to perform at peak levels. The reality is that essential proteins for athletes are more plentiful and bioavailable in animal products.

Issues with trying to generate adequate protein from plant sources are many. Unlike animal products, which provide all amino acids, most plant proteins are missing at least one essential amino acid. Some research has found that as much as 20-50 percent more grams of plant-based protein must be consumed to generate the essential muscle-repairing response from the amino acids readily available in animal proteins.

Additionally, plant proteins are harder for the human body to digest and absorb, and certain components of plants also work to inhibit protein absorption. In addition to a protein deficit, plants do not supply adequate amounts of nutrients including vitamin B12, iron, and zinc. Another concern is the sheer amount of plant-based foods that must be consumed to provide the human body with roughly the same amount of protein easily found in animal-based proteins.

Noted Nutrition Journalist Nina Teicholz wrote in a recent Unsettled Science substack column:

“Obtaining protein from plants also involves eating a greater quantity of carbohydrates present in plant—but not animal—foods. For instance, you’d need to eat roughly 700 calories of peanut butter, with 21 grams of carbohydrates, to get the same amount of protein as 300 calories of eggs, with zero carbohydrates.”

Meal Planners Ignored Biological Realities

Nevertheless, as the games began, the plan was to serve 30 percent vegan meals to the athletes, regardless of the myriad individual nutritional plans and dietary needs of approximately 15,000 Olympians. This plan was detailed in a 41-page Food Vision document, which also included the goal to have 60 percent of ALL food served at the Olympics be plant-based.

Considering more than one million meals would be served to athletes throughout the Olympics, 30 percent is a significant number. Animal-based protein sources weren’t the only foods sacrificed on the climate change altar. Laughably, despite having an extensive salad bar with more than 30 options, the catering company, Sodexo Live, chose to entirely omit one of the healthiest, nutrient-dense plant foods from the menu. Head chef, Charles Guilloy, told the New York Times avocados weren’t offered in the Olympic Village at all because they’re “imported from a great distance and consume a lot of water.”

Athletes reportedly complained that meals offered in the dining hall were “too vegan.” In fact, the chief executive of Team Great Britain, Andy Anson, stated to reporters that the athlete cafeteria was “severely short on eggs and chicken.” As a solution, the British Olympic Association flew two private chefs to Paris to cook appropriate food for athletes at an off-site location several miles from the Olympic Village. The arrogance of those who opted for a plant-based menu in Paris resulted in an increased carbon footprint from chefs and animal protein being rushed to the Olympic Village by various forms of transport!

However, to Olympic organizers’ credit, as complaints increased in number and intensity they did eventually make adjustments, air freighting in more than 1,500 pounds of eggs and two thousand pounds of meat to be served in the Olympic Village dining hall.

It isn’t just Olympic Athletes who require animal-based proteins to perform their best. Humans consuming animal products is a practice as old as mankind itself, and humanity’s role at the top of the food chain has resulted in progress and prosperity from a varied diet.

If those in charge would attempt to limit food choices in order to force a plant-based diet on Olympic athletes, it is certain they would not be reluctant to force a plant-based diet on the general population. On many levels, the Olympics served as a large-scale test run for the “Great Reset,” of which “food transition” is one element. Olympians protested, resulting in increased animal-based food options, but if globalists get their way, they will make certain the general population never has that freedom of choice.

Read more about efforts to eliminate animal products from our food supply HERE

Read more about the globalist attack on the American way of life HERE

Read more about the United Nations’ plan for our future HERE

Read more about the White House 30 X 30 plan HERE

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