Oregon Alert: IP 13 Starting to Gather Signatures

OREGON ALERT: IP 13 is Set to Start Collecting Signatures.

If IP 13 is voted into law by the people of Oregon, animal agriculture, hunting, fishing and animal breeding practices will be illegal.

Only 112,0000 signatures are needed to get it on the November 2022 ballot for vote by the people.

IP 13 proposes significant changes in the state’s criminal laws governing animals and it will eliminate common-sense exceptions for animal food production, breeding, animal husbandry, hunting and fishing.

By eliminating common sense exceptions, IP 13 would effectively make any injury to an animal arising from the following activities a crime:

  • Treatment of livestock transported by owner or common carrier.
  • Rodeos or similar exhibitions.
  • Commercially grown poultry.
  • Use of good animal husbandry practices.
  • Slaughtering of livestock in compliance with state law.
  • Fishing, hunting and trapping otherwise lawful under state law.
  • Wildlife management practices under color of law.
  • Lawful scientific or agricultural research or teaching that involves the use of animals.
  • Reasonable measures to control of vermin or pests.
  • Reasonable handling and training techniques.

David Michelson is the animal extremist behind IP13. He is serving as both Campaign Director and Chief Petitioner of IP13. A quick view of his LinkedIn profile shows that he is an Organizer for the animal extremist group Anonymous for the Voiceless. He is also a Guest Teacher in the Denver Public School System. In the past he worked for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as a Statistical Analyst.

Animal extremists behind this push are leaning heavily on their platforms, social media, and public support to get IP13 passed into law – not actual animal industry professionals or animal welfare experts. The underlying language and motive comes from radical animal extremist ideology to entirely dismantle all animal agriculture, research, clothing, and even the ownership of pets.

The ideology of radical animal extremists is the belief that animal ownership is akin to slavery and therefore abuse. They want to end animals in human care.

The text of IP 13 can be found on the Ballotpedia Website HERE

For more information about the implications of IP 13, visit our website HERE

If you are concerned about IP 13 and would like some tips for taking action, please see the article on our website under the tab:

“Get Involved” – “Protecting Our Lifestyle and Livelihood – What You Can Do or click HERE

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