Overview of Animal Extremist Organizations


What You Need To Know – Animal Extremist Organizations

Having knowledge about the most prominent animal extremist organizations and their true goals is extremely important. They are working hard to influence lawmakers in order to push legislation, regulations, and ordinances that make animal ownership more difficult with each incremental step. They use donation dollars to spread their tentacles far and wide. The list of their activities is very long and includes working to influence law enforcement, teachers, children in school, religious institutions, and more. These organizations are not concerned with animal welfare, they are concerned with pushing their agenda, which has far-reaching implications for all Americans.

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American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – ASPCA

American Wild Horse Campaign – AWHC

Animal Legal Defense Fund – ALDF

Animal Wellness Action- Animal Extremist Group Founded by Wayne Pacelle

Animal Recovery Mission – ARM

Best Friends Animal Society

Congressional Animal Protection Caucus

Direct Action Everywhere – DxE

Farm Sanctuary – FS

Faunalytics: Animal Extremist Group that Poses as Researchers


Humane Farming Association

Humane Society of the United States – HSUS

Humane Society Legislative Fund – HSLF

Kirkpatrick Foundation – KF

Nonhuman Rights Project – NhRP

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – PETA

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine – PCRM

Pollination Project

Social Compassion in Legislation for Animals – SCIL

Texas Humane Legislation Network – THLN – Part 1

Texas Humane Legislation Network – THLN – Part 2

Texas Humane Legislation Network – THLN – Part 3

Wayne Pacelle’s National Veterinary Council

Links to more information:

Article – HSUS Tentacles

Article – Animal Extremism vs Animal Welfare – Know the Difference

Article – Animal Extremist Group Pushes for Habeas Corpus for Animals

Article – Animal Rights Groups – Who They Really Are

Article – Anthropomorphism – The Greatest Threat to Animal Welfare

Trent Loos Interview #1 with John Bolin – Past ASPCA Investigator – Animal Rights Organizations Involvement with Law Enforcement

Trent Loos Interview #2 with John Bolin – Past ASPCA Investigator – Animal Rights Organizations Involvement with Law Enforcement

Trent Loos Interview #3 with John Bolin – Past ASPCA Investigator – Animal Rights Organizations Involvement with Law Enforcement

Trent Loos Interview with Security Consultant John Sancenito – Exposing Activities of Animal Rights and Other NGO’s

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